Foresight Analytics

Empowering your analytics journey

About Us

A boutique advanced analytics firm. Headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand. We exist to empower your analytics journey. We are driven by the following core values:
Your win is our win

Helping you succeed because we believe that our own success is tied to your success. We work closely with you to understand your business needs and develop customized solutions that help you achieve your goals. 

Long Term Value

We want to build a long term partnership with you. We're all about completing projects that deliver long term value, rather than buzzword projects.

Ethical Analytics

As data science becomes more powerful, ethical analysis is more important than ever. Put simply, it's the right thing to do.

Example Services

Mobirise Website Builder

Better forecasting empowers your team to make better decisions. From simple models based on a few hundred data points that empowered the board of a multi-billion dollar company to make better decisions to models making a hundred million predictions about individual customers' propensity to buy a given item in your store, we've got you covered.

Mobirise Website Builder

Applied to almost any process a business has, such as creating manufacturing production schedules for plants all across the country or what promotions a retail store should run to improve profit.

Mobirise Website Builder
Customer Segmentation

Helping you know your customers better. We combine current knowledge with a number of new customer lenses to take customer segmentation to the next level. Helping you market the right products to the right people.

Our Approach


Identify Value

Grab a coffee and understand your unique problem. This is fleshed out in a whiteboard session to help identify the root question that needs to be answered and the best way to address it.


Project Planning

Failing to plan is planning to fail. The larger the project. The more important it is to plan and make sure we're on the same page about expected outcomes.


Data Preparation

Often people try and skim over this step to their peril. Getting this right sets the foundation for success.


Model Building

All too often, people want to build cutting edge technology. Only for it to cost too much and be rushed to finish. We aim to provide models that have the best cost-benefit value for you.



We're cloud agnostic. Building on your current tech stack can make it easier to maintain.



Just like for a car, maintenance is critical. We're here to help with performance tracking, retraining and making sure it stays fit for purpose long-term.

Get in Touch

One of our team will be in contact with you shortly.

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